Planning Ahead for Tenure and Beyond
Matthew Freedman, Professor of Economics
It’s important to plan ahead for success in the tenure/promotion process. Here are three tips for success.
One: identify and make good use of mentors. As soon as you can, ideally in your first year, find a senior colleague you trust - preferably in your department, but they could be outside your department (or even school or university) if necessary. Tap that person regularly for advice, and ask early and often about how they view your progress toward tenure. If you have concerns about your performance in one or more areas, make a point to ask specifically about those areas and be open to feedback on how to improve. At the same time, solicit second (and third and fourth) opinions, especially as you get closer to the time you are up for tenure.
Two: start thinking about potential tenure letter writers early in your career. If possible, personally invite potential letter writers for seminars or other events at UCI, or seek them out at conferences or other professional events. Take such opportunities to meet with them and advertise your work, as well as to ask them about their tenure and career experiences. Doing the latter can sometimes help subtly signal you are thinking about them as a potential letter writer.
Three: while tenure is a major hurdle, it is important to have work in the hopper that will help carry you beyond tenure. It is natural (and appropriate) to focus on wrapping as much research as possible up ahead of tenure, but it is also important to have early-stage work to which you can turn your attention once your tenure materials in - work that will ensure you keep progressing through the ranks and eventually are promoted to full.